for me

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

JOkes... ARGH!! cant stop saying that..

Quoting nigel-- stop saying that.. it's not you, sound so unnatural..
My reply was-- jokes... then say jugs la..

"that's you?" haha.. jokes man.. ok i am insane after having a bout of flu and sore throat... considering ponning tmr english day.. but why the hell do i have to take photos.. getting sick of it. haiz.. let's wait for tmr.. if my nose is damn red and is dripping with mucus.. lol i shallnt go then.

RE today was crazy. From research session, turn into eating dried maggi mee session. haha.. the noodles suppose to have some soup. become dried.. then taste so salty.. good luck lang.. later get kidney failure. plus diabetes..

Double bill was quite ok.. but i got a triple treat. Watched feng shuo and some other guy climb into clock tower.. IT WAS damn jokes.. haha.. damn funny la. Then feng shuo cut himself..

Played table tennis with some gay today.. not that i wnat to play with him..but he was good and guess what.. HE' from 3Q... could he be that gay voice promoting earth day? hm.. there's a chance.. WHACK HIM!! althought i wasnt winning him... apparently whenever ppl i noe walk pass.. i shall do some damn shen stroke.. w00t.. at least they think i am winning.. good enuff..

ok.. mugging time. z. hate it. cant wait to chiong dota and swimming..


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